Eliminate Egg Odour from Hair

Eliminate Egg Odour from Your Hair Locks: 6 Genius Tips

It’s there in our fridge- the humble egg! We all admire the luscious locks it can bestow upon us, don’t we? Yet, while the benefits are endless, there’s no denying that tell-tale whiff can be a bit… well, off-putting. Before we dive into how to ditch that distinct eggy aroma, let’s remind ourselves why we endure it in the first place.

Why Eggs are a Haircare Hero:

  • Strength & Shine: Fortify each strand from root to tip, making your mane gleam with health.
  • Banish Dandruff: Say cheerio to those pesky white flakes.
  • Texture & Thickness: Enjoy fuller, bouncier hair with improved texture.
  • Deep Moisturisation: Quench your scalp’s thirst, ensuring your locks stay hydrated.
  • Silky Smoothness: Regular egg applications result in tresses so soft they’ll be irresistible to touch.
  • Damage Control: Bring back the life to those tired, damaged strands.
  • UV Protection: Shield your hair from those pesky harmful rays.

Now, for the main event: dispelling that pesky egg scent from your freshly treated locks.

Lemon Juice Spritz:

Ah, the zesty power of lemons! Their high ascorbic acid content makes them an effective odour banisher. Whip up a refreshing hair spritz by mixing fresh lemon juice with water. Pop it in the freezer for a short while, then spray onto your hair. Let it work its magic for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Yoghurt Rescue:

Yoghurt isn’t just a delicious snack; it’s a saviour for egg-scented hair. Its creamy texture moisturises while neutralising the smell. For a zesty twist, mix in a bit of lemon juice. Massage this concoction into your scalp, let it linger, and then rinse.

Orange Juice Freshen-Up:

Besides being a delightful morning drink, orange juice can rejuvenate your hair, leaving it smelling citrusy-fresh. It’s also a champ at tackling excess oil and dandruff, thanks to its vitamin C content.

Cinnamon-Honey Paste:

Melding the antibacterial properties of both cinnamon and honey, this elixir can ward off that egg smell, leaving a sweet scent in its place. Blend the two, massage the mixture into your scalp, let it sit, then shampoo it off.

Baking Soda Boost:

This pantry staple doubles as a natural hair purifier. It not only cleanses but also ensures the egg aroma is history. Craft a paste using baking soda and water, apply to your scalp, then wash off after letting it sit.

Vinegar Rinse:

Though it might sound counterintuitive to combat one strong smell with another, vinegar’s acidic nature can neutralise the egg scent. Mix it with water, give your hair a quick rinse, leave it be for a few moments, then finish with a cold rinse.


There you have it! With these tricks up your sleeve, you can enjoy the perks of an egg mask without the lingering scent. Go on, give your locks the love they deserve! 

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