The Ultimate Guide to Permanent Blow Dry: Revolutionize Your Hair GameThe Ultimate Guide to Permanent Blow Dry: Revolutionize Your Hair Game

The Ultimate Guide to Permanent Blow Dry: Revolutionize Your Hair Game

Greetings to all the fashion enthusiasts! 

Who doesn’t crave for bountiful and voluminous hair? Unfortunately, not everyone is naturally gifted with such hair. Hence, many of us resort to artificial means, with blow drying being a prevalent choice. However, daily exposure to this heat-intensive process can cause substantial damage to your precious locks, leading them to become brittle and straw-like. The solution? The game-changing permanent blow dry!

Decoding Permanent Blow Dry:

Often referred to as a Brazilian blow dry owing to its origins, a permanent blow dry involves the application of a keratin treatment. This powerful concoction aids in eliminating frizz and taming waves in your hair. While it may not provide pin-straight hair for those with natural waves, it certainly makes your hair considerably more manageable. Even better, if you decide to heat straighten it post-treatment, you can achieve an incredibly sleek finish. Best of all, it’s a non-damaging process. Depending on your hair volume and style, the entire procedure takes about 1-2 hours.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

  • Initially, your hair is shampooed and the product is left to work its magic for 5-7 minutes. The longer the shampoo remains, the more effective the subsequent keratin solution will be.
  • After rinsing and towel-drying your hair, the keratin solution is applied and distributed evenly with a comb.
  • Your hair is then separated into small sections, roughly blow-dried, and straightened. The heat from the straightener activates and seals the solution into the hair strands, making it a critical part of the process.
  • With adequate care, the results of this transformative blow dry can last up to 3 months. And unlike other hair treatments, it gradually fades instead of abruptly growing out, so you won’t be bothered by frizzy roots reappearing suddenly.

Ideal Candidates for Permanent Blow Dry:

If your hair is naturally straight and smooth, you might not need this treatment – perhaps saving the expense for a shopping spree would be a better option! However, if you find yourself spending 30 minutes daily to straighten your hair, then a permanent blow dry could be a game-changer for you. It can save your hair from the daily onslaught of heat and provide long-lasting manageability.

Additional Tips:

For those with split ends, ensure to get a good trim before opting for the treatment, as the damaged parts won’t absorb the treatment as effectively.

To prolong the life of your blow dry, use SLS-free shampoos, which are milder on the hair.

If you’ve recently coloured your hair, wait a week before having a permanent or Brazilian blow dry to prevent any potential damage.

Aftercare Routine:

During the first three days following your permanent blow dry, avoid tying or pinning your hair back, and steer clear of hair accessories that might introduce waves. Touching your hair excessively or getting it wet can also impact the results, so try to keep your hands off and shower with a cap on. After three days, you can return to washing your hair using an SLS-free shampoo.

What’s the Damage to Your Wallet?

Prepare yourself, ladies – this procedure comes with a hefty price tag. While I’m not entirely certain of its availability in India as of now, overseas, the cost can reach around Rs. 20,000, depending on your hair length and volume. While this might seem steep, remember the benefits and time-saving aspect it brings to your hair routine!

In conclusion, a permanent blow dry can be an excellent solution for those yearning for voluminous, manageable hair without the daily hassle or damage. So why not give it a whirl and see the difference it can make to your hair game?

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