9 Yoga Poses to Boost Your Height Even After 20

9 Yoga Poses to Boost Your Height Even After 20

It’s a common sentiment among many women to wish for a few extra inches in height. Perhaps society, pop culture, or personal preference fuels this desire. But did you know that resorting to expensive supplements or intensive workouts isn’t the only way? Yoga, an ancient practice rooted in Indian tradition, offers a holistic approach not just for your mind and soul, but potentially for height as well. In this piece, we’ll delve into nine yoga poses that may aid in enhancing height even after the age of 20. So, grab your yoga mat and let’s embark on this intriguing journey towards reaching new heights – quite literally!

Every so often, we yearn for just a tad more height, wishing we could stretch our stature a little further. It’s not about vanity, but rather, a personal pursuit of a unique kind. Enter yoga – a millennia-old practice that not only nourishes the soul but might just give you that desired boost in height. Here’s a guide to some yoga poses that could make all the difference:

  • Tadasana (Mountain Pose):

Inspired by the towering grace of palm trees, the name ‘Tadasana’ stems from the Sanskrit word “Tada”. Stand tall, ensuring your feet, hips, and shoulders are aligned. Gradually elevate yourself onto your tiptoes, embracing the sky. Hold the position momentarily, then return to the base. Repeat daily, five times, feeling yourself grow with each stretch.

  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

This holistic routine is about more than saluting the sun. It fluidly moves your entire body, enhancing spinal suppleness and potentially adding those sought-after inches. While growth is subjective and influenced by myriad factors, regular practice during the tranquil moments of sunrise or sunset could be key.

  • Sukhasana (Easy Pose):

A name that translates to ‘easy’, this asana is perfect for yogis of all levels. To experience its full benefits, ensure your tummy is light and airy. Best embraced in the early hours, its gentle nature fortifies your spine while stretching the knees and calves, inducing a state of calm.

  • Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend):

This is more than just a pose; it’s a full-body embrace. As you stretch out, not only does it aid in potentially increasing your height, but it also showers your system with flexibility, particularly benefiting the hamstrings. Plus, it’s a boon for digestion and a silent warrior against obesity.

  • Marjariasana (Cat Stretch):

Often referred to as the cat stretch, Marjariasana does wonders for spine flexibility. Beyond its physical benefits like toning the abdomen and strengthening wrists and shoulders, it’s also a spiritual relaxant, rejuvenating your very soul. Do approach this pose with caution if you’ve had a history of severe back or neck issues.

  • Vrikshasana (Tree Pose):

Embodying the grace of a tree, this pose stretches and invigorates from root to tip. Beyond its physical stretch, it’s a tonic for the mind, chasing away anxiety and bolstering concentration. Begin standing, then bend and place your right foot on your left thigh, while your arms reach skyward, coming together in the prayer position.

  • Trikonasana (Triangle Pose):

Mimicking the strength and balance of a triangle, this asana is a gentle yet effective stretch for the muscles, without exerting the joints. It’s therapeutic for various ailments like flat feet and neck pain and is an excellent stress buster.

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

A crowd favourite, this asana is synonymous with core strengthening. The serpent-like stretch not only targets tummy fat, giving you a toned torso, but also promises a potentially taller frame by enhancing overall flexibility.

  • Hasta-Padasana (Hand-to-Foot Pose):

A nuanced take on the Padasana, this posture aims to lengthen the spine and stretch those hamstrings. Standing tall, reach skyward with a deep inhale. Then, with an exhaling heart, fold forward aiming to kiss your feet with your fingers. Perfection isn’t immediate; patience and practice make this pose a reality.


And there we have it, ladies – a comprehensive list to guide you on your height-enhancing yoga journey. Embrace each pose, and remember, it’s about the journey as much as the destination. Happy stretching!

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